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A friend of mine has signed up recently to something called 100 Happy Days.  I decided that it might be a good idea to start doing this in the hope that it will remind me of all the good in my life.  The things that I do that make me happy.  I would love to get back to my Happy Spot sooner rather than later.  What a nice idea this is!

Here are my first 4 days...

Day 1:  This made me happy because I got to have yummy ice cream with an amazing friend

Day 2:  It's Weekend and I get to hang with my Family!

Day 3:  It was nearly 5 in the afternoon and it was only Twilight then - spring is coming!

Day 4:  We hit the Hummingbird Bakery Book we have and made cupcakes (she did it in her Minnie Dress!)

These are all amazing reasons to be happy and as I am writing this out it is making me smile and provides me with happy thoughts.  I will keep posting and if it takes up to 200 Days then so be it!
If you decide to do the above do let me know I would love to see what you are posting!

Love you lots like Jelly Tots

At the end of last year I promised myself that I would start blogging more but as yet it hasn't happen.  2014 has had a bit of a mix start.  For a moment for me my life came to a halt. I received that dreaded phone call that I was hoping not to get until later.  My Dad was taken into hospital and they don't know how long he has.  On Wednesday, 8th January 2014 at 1.30am in the morning South African Time he passed away.  There was a bitter sweet feeling attached to it as I got to speak to him for the last time on the 7th January.  From what I have been told soon after we finished the conversation he slipped into a coma and didn't wake up again until his passing.  My wonderful sister Janneke staid with him to the end holding his hand.  What a blessing!  The 8th January is also my parents wedding anniversary and as my mother has now been gone for a long time now it was nice to know that where ever they are (and whatever you believe) they are now together. It makes me feel at peace

Love You Lots Like Jelly Tots